Benefits offered are: Doctor’s office visits, ER visits, Accident Coverage, Daily Hospital Indemnity benefits, Intensive Care benefits, Skilled Nursing, Substance Abuse, Mental Illness, and Life Insurance.  Also included are national medical, dental and vision PPO networks.


Monthly premium can be paid solely by the Employee or the Employer can contribute.


GAP Plans


Gap Plans help payt for employees out of pocket expenses for Hospital and Outpatient services.  They fill the “gap” caused by higher deductible or higher coinsurance plans.  Gap Plans are an excellent tool for employers who have or are going to implement higher deductible and coinsurance.  The Gap plan picks up the difference caused by the new plan design and can significantly save the employer money on their health plan.


Stand Alone Prescription Drug Carve Out Plans


One popular means of reducing group health insurance premiums is to eliminate prescription drug plans, leaving Employees footing the bill for elevated drug costs and financially unable to do so.  There are alternatives.


UGP offers several Prescription Drug Carve-Out options for Employers who need to reduce their group health premium by offering reduced Rx benefits.  By replacing the current prescription drug plan with a Generic-Only Plan, Employers can save up to 20% on their health insurance premiums.  Sometimes using a Stand-Alone Plan is all that is needed to cut costs.


Multiple Options & Custom Design:


            ● $5 Generic/$30 Preferred Brand Drug Cards

            ● $5 Generic Only Rx Card

            ● $10/$20/$40 Co-Pay Discount Rx Card

            ● Discount Generic/Brand Rx Card




                                                                                                F. Darrell Lindsey

                                                                        U.S. State Licensed Agent/Broker



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